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Napoleon Bass - Cortex Bass General Description of the Cortex Napoleon Bass

Napoleon Bass

Napoleon Bass

Let us introduce you to the specificities of our “Napoleon” bass, which we designed and developed to suit all players, from the beginner to the seasoned professional.

It is offered in two versions, Standard and Deluxe, in 4, 5 and 6 string, fretted or Fretless.

The Standard

Napoleon Standard 4
Napoleon Standard 4 (Back)
  • Two-piece body, Alder or Red Willow
  • American hard Maple neck wood
  • Rosewood fret board
  • Passive electronics
    • One neck pickup volume
    • One bridge pickup volume
    • One tone control

The Deluxe

Napoleon Deluxe 5 - Curly Redwood
Napoleon Deluxe 5 - Curly Redwood
  • Double wood layer sandwich separated by veneer
    • Two-piece Alder, Maple, Mahogany, Walnut or Ash body
    • Dark or light veneer
    • Precious wood top, bookmatched to centre
  • Matching headstock plate to body top
  • Flame Maple neck wood, alternatively Walnut or Mahogany
    • Optionally Padouk, Purpleheart, Rosewood or Quilt Maple
  • Active electronics. Our offer is the following:
    • Glockenklang 2 or 3 band,
    • Noll 2 or 3 band

The Fretless

Napoleon Deluxe Fretless 6 - Red Burst
Napoleon Deluxe Fretless 6 - Red Burst (Back)
  • Same design as Deluxe
  • Active 2 band Electronics
    • One bridge pickup only
    • associated to a 2 Band Preamp
    • 2 way switch (single coil – humbucker)

Check out our Napoleon Fretless webpage


– The Front –

Napoleon Deluxe 6 - Apple Top (Shade)
Inverted Tuners

With the exception of the general shape, the INVERTED TUNERS are the first thing you can spot on this bass. Why? Simply because giving the E and/or B strings some slack after the nut lets them vibrate without constraint.

The TRUSS ROD is dual-action, and accessible through a wheel positioned under the 24th fret. No screwdrivers, just a roll pin punch tool and you can start adjusting.


The PICKUP shapes are both standard Bartolini BC, P2, P4 or EMG 35, 40, 45.

Napoleon Deluxe 6 - Apple Top (Shade)
Dot Inlays

DOT INLAYS are centred on 4 & 6 string basses, shifted between the E and A string for 5 string, so they remain visible for the player and his audience.

One string, one BRIDGE. String spacing at the bridge is: 19mm (0.74inches) for 4 string, 18mm (0.71inches) for 5 & 6 string.

Elbow Contour

Every bass is built with an ELBOW CONTOUR for your playing comfort.

– The Back –

Napoleon Deluxe 5 - Walnut/Padouk
Serial Number

Each bass is unique and bear its own ID NUMBER. This number has a meaning and is unique to each Cortex Napoleon Bass. It is now hidden in the electronics cavity.


GLOCKENKLANG, 2 or 3 band active preamp w/passive switch (+6db)

NOLL 2 or 3 band active preamp w/passive switch


All basses are equipped with Gotoh GB-707 TUNERS.

Napoleon Deluxe 5 - Walnut/Padouk

4 string Napoleon basses are equipped with HIPSHOT US Ultralite Tuning Machines.


We chose American Hard Maple as our standard NECK WOOD… but for our Napoleon Deluxe Model, all options are open.

The bass is a BOLT-ON neck construction. Four screws, each with a steel insert, no plates. Nice, solid, efficient and simple.

Tummy Contour

Every bass is built with a TUMMY CONTOUR for your playing comfort.

An EXTRA BATTERY CAVITY for Noll preamps.

To shop ’til you bop or simply to check the detailed specs of all our basses, either available for sale or already sold, just visit our Webshop page, where you will find our “Wall of Bass”. You can clic on each and every bass and land on its detailed data sheet… Enjoy the ride.

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